Toolchain Class

Users need a way to specify options which should be passed to every dependency. By convention this is done by setting the options in a toolchain file. The Toolchain class is the source code representation of this file, containing values autopopulated by CMaize, as well as user-specified options. User options take precidence over autopopulated values.


The Toolchain class can create a toolchain file containing both the autopopulated and user-provided toolchain options, with user-provided options taking precidence. This generated toolchain file is written to disk with the write_toolchain method and should be included by the user to apply it. The CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE argument should be used to pass the toolchain to CMake commands.

Autopopulated Values

Certain variables are autopopulated with default values by CMaize. These autopopulated values will be overridden if a user-specified toolchain file also assigns a value to the variable. The _CMAIZE_TOOLCHAIN_AUTOPOPULATED_VARIABLE_NAMES list variable can be printed with the following in your CMakeLists.txt file after including CMaize:

message("Autopopulated variables: ${_CMAIZE_TOOLCHAIN_AUTOPOPULATED_VARIABLE_NAMES}")

or, for a multiline list:

message("Autopopulated variables:")
   message("  ${var_name}")