Quick Start

Projects using CMaize are encouraged to use this page as their build documentation, so if you’re seeing this page odds are the package you’re trying to build uses CMaize for their build. If you are a complete CMake newbie (there’s nothing wrong with that, we all were at some point) check out the Quick Introduction to CMake page to get acclimated.

Step 0: Obtain CMaize

Packages which use CMaize are encouraged to make their build system download CMaize and include it. If the package you are using does not do this you will need to manually download CMaize yourself and ensure that CMAKE_MODULE_PATH points to the cmake directory in the downloaded repository.

Step 1: Build the Project

We’ll assume that the source code for the package you are trying to build is located in the directory package_dir. Configuring, building, and installing a package which uses CMaize is done with the following commands:

cd package_dir
cmake -H. -B<build_dir> -D<Option1>=<value> ...
cmake --build <build_dir>
cmake --build <build_dir> --target install

There are a lot of possible options for configuring the package, thus we strongly suggest you check out CMake Option Variables for a list of the more important considerations. If you are setting more than CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and/or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX it is strongly recommended that you use a toolchain file to record the options and save yourself time later if you need to rerun the cmake command.


While we’ve striven to make CMaize as foolproof as possible, the reality is bugs do occur and sometimes you build can get locked in a stale state. Thus if a build fails we recommend you consider the following tips:

  • Ensure you have provided CMake with all options required by the package

    • Consult the package’s documentation for a list of all such options

  • Try deleting your build directory and rebuilding

    • CMake does a great job of determining when it needs to regenerate or modify a file, but it gets stuck some times.

  • If the dependency you are building is hosted on a private GitHub repository then you will need to set CMAIZE_GITHUB_TOKEN to a valid token.

    • The token needs to be generated to minimally have read access to the repository.

    • See here for more information on generating tokens.

If your problem still persists check out our page FAQs and Common Build Problems to see if this a common problem. Finally, if you still can not resolve the problem consider opening an issue on CMaize’s GitHub repo (please look to see if an issue already exists before opening a new one).