Setting Up CMakePPLang for Development

This page contains information to help developers new to CMakePPLang set up the project to begin development.

Downloading the Source Code

During development, the latest version of CMakePPLang should be used. CMakePPLang is hosted on GitHub and can be cloned to your local system using Git:

git clone

Building CMakePPLang

CMakePPLang is built on top of and extends the CMake language, so “building” CMakePPLang is performed during CMake’s configuration step. Once the CMakePPLang source code has been downloaded, navigate into the new CMakePPLang directory and run the following command to “build” CMakePPLang:

For *nix-based systems (including Mac OSX):

cmake -H. -Bbuild -DBUILD_TESTING=ON

For Windows systems:

cmake -S. -Bbuild -DBUILD_TESTING=ON

In these commands, -H and -S specify the top-level, root directory for the project, called the “source directory” in CMake (not to be confused with a “source code directory”, commonly also called the “source directory”). In this case, we are assuming that the current directory, ., is the root directory of the CMakePPLang repository. The directory where build artifacts will appear is specified by -B, meaning we are directing build artifacts to CMakePPLang/build. Finally, -DBUILD_TESTING=ON enables unit testing on CMakePPLang, which will be necessary for development. BUILD_TESTING defaults to OFF, so this argument can be excluded if testing is not needed.


The build step usually required by projects using CMake is not required to build CMakePPLang itself, so it is not included in this section.

Running CMakePPLang Tests

Scripts to run the unit tests will be included in CMakePPLang/build with the rest of the build artifacts. These scripts are run using CMake’s test driver program, CTest. Navigate into the CMakePPLang/build directory and run the following command to execute CMakePPLang’s tests:

ctest --output-on-failure

While ctest can be run with no arguments as well, it is usually useful to run it with --output-on-failure, since it will provide all of the output from a failing test program instead of simply saying the test failed. After the first run of the tests, it is also useful to include --rerun-failed to save time by skipping passing tests.


To learn more about writing unit tests for CMakePPLang, see Unit Testing CMakePPLang Functions.