
CMinx is ultimately a Python package designed to be used as part of a C/C++ workflow. For this reason we provide two ways of installing CMinx: using normal Python channels and via normal CMake channels. Functionally the two install methods should produce equivalent results and the choice of which to use is purely personal preference.


Unless you are developing CMinx we recommend you install CMinx from PyPI. From a terminal this is simply:

foo@bar:~$ pip install CMinx

If you are developing CMinx then we recommend doing an editable install of CMinx in a virtual environment:

foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd CMinx/
foo@bar:~/CMinx$ python3 -m venv virt-env #Create our virtual environment
foo@bar:~/CMinx$ source virt-env/bin/activate #Activate virtual environment
(virt-env) foo@bar:~/CMinx$ pip3 install -e .

With CMake

Installing CMinx with CMake follows the usual CMake workflow, namely, run the following commands, one at a time, in a terminal:

foo@bar:~$ git clone
foo@bar:~$ cd CMinx/
foo@bar:~/CMinx$ cmake -S . -B <build_dir>
foo@bar:~/CMinx$ cmake --build <build_dir>
foo@bar:~/CMinx$ cmake --install <build_dir>

where <build_dir> should be substituted for the name of the directory you want CMake to use for building.

The CMake build of CMinx honors relevant CMake variables. In particular:


Can be used to control where CMinx is installed. It is recommended that users use full paths. Given the path /where/cminx/should/go the actual CMinx executable will live at /where/cminx/should/go/bin/cminx