Statement of Need

This page summarizes why we wrote CMaize. For convenience we start with the the “too long; didn’t read (TL;DR)” summary.


  • CMake is verbose. CMaize provides succinct stable, APIs.

  • CMake features/best practices change a lot. CMaize’s stable APIs allow the implementations to address these changes, without requiring CMaize users to update their build systems.

  • CMaize supports package managers and languages CMake does not.

  • CMaize is object-oriented and can be extended to even more package managers and languages, via inheritance.

Full Description

Generally speaking, most software packages require some setup before they can be used. This setup is termed the build process and executing the build process is called “building”. The build system is the thing which actually does the building. For C/C++ software, CMake has become the de facto 1,20,28 build tool for managing the build process and most build systems are thus written using the CMake scripting language.

Unfortunately, CMake-based build systems tend to be verbose and repetitive. As gleaned from tutorials prominently showcasing boilerplate code 6,8,28, the growing reliance on template repositories 7,12,13,14,15,16,17, and even just copy/paste-ing CMake scripts from one project into another, the broader community of CMake-based build system developer seem to have accepted the verboseness and repetition (N.B. citations here are representative, not exhaustive, i.e., we are aware that there are many more examples!). All of these approaches to writing build systems run afoul of the “Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)” paradigm and subsequently suffer from the same problems proponents of DRY seek to avoid, e.g., multiple sources of truth, lack of synchronization, and coupling the logic of distinct units of code. The point is, we need a way to write CMake-based build systems, which does not violate DRY!

The next problem with CMake-based build systems is that CMake’s features and best practices change quite readily. For example, up until CMake 3.11 in 2018 best practice was to write superbuilds 29 for adding dependencies to your project’s CMake build system. CMake 3.11 introduced the FetchContent module, which in theory rendered superbuilds obsolete. In practice, because many build systems had already been written in a manner that precluded use with FetchContent, many build systems needed to be rewritten. With CMake 3.24 released in 2022, the best practices for dependency management are again likely to change because now CMake natively supports package managers! Another example is the switch to target-based build systems. Modern CMake is target-based 1,6, but many of the FindXXX.cmake modules originally included with CMake 3.0 in 2014 were not; instead the FindXXX.cmake modules set variables. Starting around CMake 3.5 this began to change as the FindXXX.cmake scripts now additionally made targets. Many build systems adapted to the lack of targets before CMake 3.5 by creating their own targets. Unfortunately, the targets the various build systems created were not drop-in replacements for the targets that FindXXX.cmake started producing with CMake 3.5. The result was that build systems again needed to be rewritten to adopt the new features.

While the CMake language is very backwards compatible (many core features already existed in the CMake 2.X series), CMake-based build systems are usually not forward compatible. The lack of forward compatibility is an issue because CMake-based build systems are, by design, “viral”. More specifically, CMake works best if a project’s dependencies also provide build systems written in CMake, if the dependencies of those dependencies also utilize CMake-based build systems, and so on and so forth. Unfortunately this also means that if a project attempts to use a new feature, or a new best practice, that project’s dependencies must also support that feature or practice. Writing CMake-based build systems can be a large time commitment and ideally we need a series of stable, forward compatible APIs for expressing our build system, so that we can avoid needing to rewrite CMake-based build systems every couple of years.

To be fair, a lot of the problems with CMake really stem from the lack of formal build process standardization for the coding languages CMake targets (C/C++) and supports (e.g., Fortran). For example C++ does not mandate how the project’s source is structured 3,4,32, nor does it specify a standardized binary interface for libraries. In an attempt to be able to support every build system, including those which may involve tools yet to come, CMake has opted to assume as little as possible. The result is CMake’s functionality is very customizable, but at the cost of also being very verbose. That said, even though the coding languages may not impose formal standards on the build process, there are many aspects of the process which are nearly standardized (or at worst there exists several competing conventions). The point is, there is a need to simplify the CMake interface by targeting current best practices. The resulting build tool would be applicable to the majority of projects’ build systems (and likely a strong motivator for the remaining projects to follow suite).

Even though CMake strives to be as flexible as possible, the reality is that software packages are becoming increasingly complicated as are their deployment environments. For example, and as evidenced by the popularity of the pybind11 project 31 on GitHub, many C/C++ packages are increasingly supporting Python interfaces. Unsurprisingly, the Python interface often depends on external Python packages, e.g., many scientific C/C++ projects leverage Numpy 30. While CMake can already facilitate finding the Python interpreter and the Python development libraries 24, it is unreasonable to ask CMake to also provide mechanisms for finding and building Python packages. Furthermore, most Python package maintainers are unlikely to provide CMake support. Admittedly, the prevalence of the C++/Python paradigm may lead to CMake support down the road, but the ultimate point we’re trying to make is that it is unreasonable for CMake to natively support all use cases of all coding languages. Instead, there is a need to be able to non-invasively extend CMake to additional coding languages and package managers.

Given that CMake is a full-featured coding language, it is possible to write CMake extensions which will reduce the verbosity and redundancy via abstractions. As already mentioned, this is not often done; instead many projects resort to build system templates or copy/pasting. We speculate that the primary hurdle to developing the desperately needed abstractions is a lack of financial support and tooling. The CMake coding language is functional, with a feel akin to shell scripting. In turn, for many modern programmers developing software in CMake can be a laborious, aggravating process. Particularly when it comes to developing scientific software, most financial support targets science and not at software maintenance/sustainability. As a result build systems are a low priority and many developers settle for considerable technical debt in their build systems.

This is the state of C++ software development when CMake is used as a build system. And this is why a project like CMaize is needed.