Other Projects


The discussions of other projects provided on this page are largely based off of first impressions gleaned from project websites and documentation. It is possible that this page does not accurately reflect the state of the listed projects. We are happy to update this page if discrepancies are brought to our attention.


Subject to the above warning, note that each description was accurate as of the time of writing. The CMaize team does not actively monitor other projects and thus circumstances may have changed. If you are aware of any of these descriptions no longer being accurate, feel free to open an issue on CMaize’s GitHub page (or better yet, a pull request) detailing the necessary updates.

This page discusses other projects which, in some shape or form, attempt to address the same needs as CMaize (see Statement of Need). As described in more detail on the Overview of CMaize’s Design page, we feel the ideal solution should:

  1. cmake-based build system

  2. cmake-based workflows

  3. minimize redundancy

  4. target support

  5. package manager support

  6. object-oriented

  7. recursive

  8. Be actively supported.

The following table summarizes how well each existing project addresses these design constraints (column numbers correspond to the above list):

Project Name

Features Supported





















Each of the following sections provides a brief discussion of the other projects. For each project we provide the:


This is a link to the project’s website or documentation (if we can find it).


For open-source projects this is a link to the where the source code of the project can be obtained.

Development status

We consider a project “active” if there has been a commit in the last year. Otherwise the project is listed as “inactive”.

User community

This is an attempt to summarize whether a project is actually being used. We define three levels: none, small, and large. A user community of “none” means that the project is primarily used by the developers. “small” indicates that the project seems to have some external interest. Whereas “large” indicates that the project appears to be actively utilized by a number of external users. For GitHub projects we use 100 watchers and/or stars as the cut-off between small and large.

Finally, we note that projects are listed in alphabetical order.


The motivation for Autocmake 27 was to avoid copy/pasting CMake build systems across projects and instead generate them from a configuration file. Autocmake is written in a mix of Python and CMake. The Python parts focus on the generation, whereas the CMake modules largely focus on finding specific dependencies (e.g., there are CMake modules for Boost, Python, GoogleTest), though there are also some which provide useful features (e.g, colored CMake messages, and a safe guard for avoiding in-source builds).

Ultimately, the use of the generator means that projects which use Autocmake suffer from the problems described in “Why not a generator?”. The documentation also suggests (see here for example) that parts of the build system are Python-based, and that users can not use established CMake workflows. We were not able to readily identify if projects which use Autocmake can have dependencies which also use Autocmake, though we suspect that recursion IS allowed.


BLT 19 appears to stand for “Build, Link, and Test”, though the README suggests there can be “-ing” suffixes as well. BLT is designed to make it easy to declare libraries/executables and link them to dependencies commonly encountered in HPC. Since it’s native CMake, users can further customize their build system by writing their own CMake infrastructure.

Ultimately, BLT is probably very useful if you want to build an HPC application, with minimal dependencies (aside from those found in the standard HPC toolkit). However, BLT provides very minimal support for finding other dependencies, and as far as we can tell, no support for building other dependencies. That said, the size of the user community suggests that, despite these limitations, there is quite a bit of demand for BLT.


Like other projects on this page, Cinch 2 is designed to cut back on the amount of coding needed to write a CMake-based build system. The documentation is a bit sparse, but it appears that Cinch provides CMake bindings that wrap a Python tool cinch-utils. The build system developer then writes a CMake-based build system in terms of the CMake bindings.

In terms of features, Cinch seems to be primarily interested in facilitating the building of libraries and executables as well as unit tests and documentation for the libraries and executables. Cinch seems to assume that the source tree also contains the dependencies’ source, and relies on recursive builds to create the final package. Additional package management appears to be limited to calling find_package. Finally, Cinch also contains a seemingly out of place C++ logging system. The latter in particular makes this project feel like it was targeting a particular group’s workflow, rather than being meant as general tool.


CMake++ 21 is a tour-de-force of what is possible with the traditional CMake language. At its core, CMake++ is meant to be more of a library for CMake than a build system. That said it does contain a number of features which can be used to simplify writing build systems including native dependency management support. While CMake++ would have been an excellent starting point for CMaize, the CMake++ project has been abandoned and lacks documentation (except for high-level functionality); in turn complicating the process of resurrecting CMake++.


cmake-get 10 is a CMake module designed to be a configuration-time replacement for CMake’s ExternalProject module. Thus cmake-get simplifies the process of obtaining and building dependencies, but not the process of defining a CMake build system.


cmake-init 11 is a tool for generating CMake-based build systems. cmake-init is specifically designed to help setup CMake build systems which can be consumed by the FetchContent module. Like many other tools on the list, cmake-init is designed with a certain stack in mind, though that stack is pretty standard (e.g., clang-tidy, Doxygen, clang-format). Like other generators, cmake-init suffers from the problems described in “Why not a generator?”.


  • Website: There’s a link on GitHub, but it looks like it’s been compromised.

  • Source: https://github.com/iauns/cpm

  • Development status: inactive.

  • User community: large.

CPM 23 (presumably stands for CMake Package Manager) is a CMake module designed to be a C++ package manager written in CMake with a focus on static linking. The static linking focus means that users of CPM are expected to compile their projects into CPM modules (which requires certain C++ boilerplate). That said, CPM also works with dependencies which are not CPM modules.


CPM.cmake 22 (presumably stands for CMake Package Manager) is a CMake module which provides a wrapper around CMake’s existing package manager (see CMake’s Package Manager). The “.cmake” part of the name appears to come from not wanting to be confused with the other CPM on this list. Compared to the native CMake package manager, CPM.cmake dramatically simplifies the underlying CMake calls while also providing version checking, offline builds, and some performance optimizations.


Hunter is a package manager written in CMake, meant to integrate directly into a CMake build system. On its surface Hunter is great; however, after experimenting with Hunter we ran into a few problems. The largest problem was that Hunter is very tied to its internal set of packages. This makes it very difficult to use pre-built dependencies or dependencies Hunter does not know how to build. Another problem is that Hunter only partially alleviates the verbose and repetitive nature of CMake. More specifically, the process of writing a build recipe for a new package is roughly the same as writing a CMake-based build system for that package. Repetition is avoided by having the build systems all live in the same repo (a repo maintained by the Hunter package manager).


Izzy’s eXtension Modules (IXM) 25 was a CMake module meant to help facilitate writing of modern CMake build systems by reducing the verboseness, selecting reasonable defaults, and focusing on targets/generator expressions. IXM has however been archived, though the README promises a resurrected version will be available no later than 11/1/2023. As of this writing (11/2/2023) the new version does not appear to exist yet (the developer’s blog suggests it’s been pushed back to December).

While there are hints that more extensive documentation was available at some point, at present the documentation for IXM is bare bones and suggests that IXM was meant to work off of a concept called “blueprints”. Looking at the blueprint in the repo, it appears that blueprints were meant to be templates which defined how functionality worked and exactly what it did (e.g., the result of declaring a library or specifying dependencies).


JAWS 26 stands for “Just A Working Setup”. As the name suggests, JAWS expects you to copy/paste it into your project and go from there. Under the hood JAWS does some things for you, like keeping the project’s name and version consistent throughout files, finding common dependencies (e.g., Boost, LaTeX, and Doxygen), and setting up tests.

Since JAWS relies on essentially copying/pasting source it suffers from the same problems (see Why Shouldn’t We Just Copy/Paste Build Systems Among Projects?). Like some of the other projects on this list, JAWS’s coupling to a stack of specific dependencies makes JAWS feel less like a general solution, and more like it was targeted at a specific group.


project_options 18 is a CMake module meant to reduce the boilerplate associated with writing CMake-based build systems. project_options focuses on making it easy to enable common dependencies (e.g., Doxygen, clang-tidy, Conan), enable/disable static analysis, and propagating those options throughout the build system and to the packages produced by the project. Perhaps the most interesting feature of project_options is its ability to automatically create Conan or vcpkg packages from the project.

While project_options aims to reduce the complexity/verboseness of the build system, users of project_options are still left to create targets through the usual CMake commands. project_options defers to vcpkg (and potentially Conan) for installing dependencies. Ultimately, project_options still assumes a particular stack and that stack does not appear to be readily extendable without modifying the source code of the project_options module.