Overview of CMaize’s Design
The point of this page is to capture the overall high-level design of the CMaize project.
What is CMaize?
CMaize is a CMake module designed to streamline writing build systems for scientific software. Initial focus is on C++-based projects, but support for any language CMake supports is straightforward.
Why do we need CMaize?
For full discussion see Statement of Need.
The vast majority of build systems written for CMake are verbose and highly redundant. Generally speaking, it seems that the broader CMake community has accepted that this “is simply the way CMake build systems are” and has stopped trying to improve them. Evidence for this claim comes from tutorials prominently showcasing boilerplate code, the growing reliance on template repositories, and the tried and true technique of copy/paste-ing CMake scripts from one project into another. All of these approaches run afoul of the DRY paradigm and subsequently suffer from the same problems proponents of DRY seek to avoid, e.g., multiple sources of truth, lack of synchronization, and coupling the logic of distinct units of code.
Given that CMake is a full-featured coding language, it is possible to write abstractions as CMake extensions which will reduce the verbosity and redundancy, but this is not often done. We speculate that the primary hurdle to developing such abstractions is lack of support. Most support for scientific software is aimed at method development and not at software maintenance/sustainability. As a result build systems are low priority. This is why CMaize is needed. CMaize will be a reusable, build tool built on top of CMake designed to streamline writing build systems, particularly build systems of scientific software.
CMaize Considerations
- cmake-based build system
A number of non CMake-based build systems have been proposed for C++. Despite many of those build systems being arguably easier to use, CMake still remains the de facto choice. Point being, there is a significant amount of inertia against adopting non-CMake based build systems by C++ project maintainers. Thus the build system the user writes should rely on the CMake scripting language.
By having CMaize be written purely in CMake, we ensure that tooling built for CMake continues to work for projects which use CMaize as well. Of particular note are most integrated development environments.
- cmake-based workflows
CMake is the de facto build tool for C++-based projects. Most consumers who intend to compile a C++ based project from source, will have some familiarity with CMake’s build phases and the corresponding CMake commands. We want CMaize to integrate as seamlessly as possible into existing CMake- based workflows. Ideally consumers building projects with CMaize build systems won’t even know it!
- minimize redundancy
Ultimately the goal of CMaize is to aid developers in writing a streamlined build system. Key to this effort is minimizing the redundancy that comes from traditional CMake-based build systems.
A lot of the redundancy build system maintainers face comes from finding, building, and installing packages (including the package the project results in).
- target support
Most of writing a build system is defining targets and explaining how they depend on one another. In particular, CMaize needs to be able to support:
external packages
The aforementioned target types will need to be supported in multiple languages as well.
- package manager support
Managing targets which refer to external packages is complicated and arguably the hardest part of writing a build system. In practice, managing external packages should really be the role of a package manager. While CMake has integrated support for package management (mainly through the FetchContent module and the find_package function), this support places most of the onous on the user and does not play nicely with other package managers (such as
).Many (if not most) C++ projects are designed for use with CMake’s internal package manager.
Consideration cmake-based build system means that CMake-based APIs will be needed for each external package manager.
- object-oriented
Current computer science wisdom holds that abstractions are conceptually easier to implement using object-oriented programming.
CMake is a functional language, thus the cmake-based build system consideration means that if CMaize adopts object-oriented paradigms, it needs to do so “under the hood” to remain API compatible with CMake.
- recursive
Most CMake-based build systems are recursive. More specifically it is often the case that a build system opts to build one or more dependencies, each of which may also rely on a CMake-based build system. Within the CMake-based build systems of each of those dependencies there may be even more dependencies with CMake-based build systems, etc.
Given the recursive nature it is important for all aspects of the build system to “think globally, but act locally.”
As a CMake-based build system runs, there is only ever one “active” project. The active project is the project whose build system control is currently within.
Upon recursing into the CMake-based build system of a dependency the active project becomes the dependency.

Fig. 1 Overall architecture of CMaize.
Fig. 1 illustrates the overall architecture of CMaize. Following from cmake-based build system all CMaize infrastructure is built on traditional CMake (denoted by the box labeled “CMake” at the bottom of Fig. 1). Classes in the “Components” box are written using the CMakePP Language, which is a CMake module providing the infrastructure necessary to write object-oriented CMake scripts.
In the following subsections we introduce the major components of CMaize.
Many of these components are named for the primary class responsible for
the component. To distinguish between the class and the component we adopt
the convention that the component is referred to with normal text whereas the
class is referred to in a code snippet. For example, CMaizeProject refers to
the component and CMaizeProject
refers to the class.
User API
Main discussion: Overview of CMaize’s User API Design.
Considerations cmake-based workflows and object-oriented together require us to write a functional-style user API over top of the classes CMaize relies on. The “User API” component is responsible for collecting the project’s information and forwarding it to the underlying classes. Since users interact exclusively with CMaize through the User API component, and the User API is only charged with collecting information, it also helps address the minimize redundancy consideration by encapsulating the majority of the needed calls to traditional CMake.
Main discussion: Designing CMaize’s CMaizeProject Component.
The CMaizeProject component is responsible for tracking project information,
including version, dependencies, targets, etc. of the active project (see
consideration recursive). In addition to serving as a workspace of
sorts, CMaizeProject
objects also
collect all of the information needed to eventually package the project, which
in turn addresses the recursive consideration.
Main discussion: Designing CMaize’s PackageManager Component.
Superficially, PackageManager
objects map project configurations
to packages. In practice, the requested package may not actually exist yet
and the PackageManager
object may either need to build the package or tell
the user it can not find it. The PackageManager component is charged with
encapsulating the logic for finding or building packages. Of note, the
PackageManager component is charged with being able to rely on established
package managers for obtaining packages.
Main discussion: Designing CMaize’s Target Component.
Thinking of a PackageManager
as a map, project configurations are the keys
and Target
objects are the values. Thus Target
are charged with describing the actual package. This includes, for example,
knowing where the libraries and header files are located, as well as supporting
the consumption of the package. The reason this component is called the Target
component, and not the Package component, is because the component
is actually charged with describing the pieces of the package. Put another way,
a package is just a collection of targets.
- cmake-based build system
CMaize is written entirely in CMake and its required dependencies are also written entirely in CMake.
- cmake-based workflows
CMaize is distributed as a CMake module and is designed to be included in a
file. In turn, the person or tool building the project still interacts with the project using the traditional CMake-based workflow.- minimize redundancy
The user API is charged with collecting the package’s information via a series of functional-style calls and mapping it to the traditional CMake calls. So although all of CMake’s usual verboseness and redundancy is still present, it is encapsulated under CMaize and the developer’s build system obeys DRY.
- target support
CMaize’s Target component is responsible for being able to generically handle any build targets the user may want to define. These include external packages as well as build targets needed by the current project.
- package manager support
Interacting with CMake’s internal package manager, as well as external package managers, is covered by the PackageManager component.
- object-oriented
The internals of CMaize are object-oriented. Internally, CMaize has adopted the CMakePP Language.
- recursive
The CMaizeProject component collects the information for the active project including the information needed for the project to be consumed by downstream users. All CMaize functions (as well as all CMake functions) are implemented in a manner consistent with “think globally, act locally”.