
cmakepp_lang/algorithm/equal.cpp_equal(result lhs rhs)

Compares two values for equivalency.

This function can be used to compare any two CMakePP objects for equality. For native CMake types, like booleans and integers, equality is defined as being the same string. cpp_equal will also compare objects like CMakePP maps or instances of user-defined classes to ensure they have the same state. If two objects have different types they are defined to be unequal.

  • result (desc) – The name to use for variable holding the result.

  • lhs (str) – One of the two values involved in the comparison.

  • rhs (str) – The other value involved in the comparison


result will be set to TRUE if lhs compares equal to rhs and FALSE otherwise.

Return type:



CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE (bool) – Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.

Error Checking

If CMakePP is being run in debug mode this function will assert that it is being called with exactly three arguments and that those arguments are of the correct types. If any of these asserts fail an error will be raised. These errors are only checked for in debug mode.