

Ensures a function was called with the correct number and types of objects.

This function encapsulates the logic required to make sure that a CMake function was called with the correct numer and types of arguments. It should be noted that CMake itself already ensures that the user passed enough arguments to satisfy all positional arguments so this function does not check that. This function involves somewhat expensive error-checking and will only run if CMakePP is run in debug mode.

  • argv (list) – The values of the arguments which were passed to the caller.

  • *args – The types that each argument should obey. Users can pass args as a type to indicate that their function is variadic. If provided, args must be the last type.


CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE – Used to determine if CMakePP is in debug mode.

Example Usage

This function is intended to be called first thing inside as many CMakePP and user functions as possible. A typical use case looks like:

function(my_fxn a_int a_bool)
    cpp_assert_signature("${ARGV}" int bool)

The first argument to cpp_assert_signature should always be "${ARGV} the remaining arguments should be the types