
cmakepp_lang/class/find_ctor._cpp_find_ctor(this type)

Finds the proper CTOR function to call for the given object and arguments.

This function checks if the CTOR call was a KWARGS call, a regular CTOR call with arguments, or CTOR with no arguments. If it was a KWARGS call, the _cpp_set_kwargs_attrs is called. If it was a CTOR call with arguments, it attempts to find the CTOR that matches the call signature and call it. If no CTOR is called, an error is thrown. If it is an CTOR call with no arguments it attempts to find a CTOR with a matching signature but does not throw an error if none is found.

  • this (obj) – The object being constructed.

  • type (obj) – The type of the object being constructed.


CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE (bool) – Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.

Error Checking

If CMakePP is being run in debug mode this function will ensure that it was called with an obj and a type as the first two parameters.

Additionally, this function will always throw an error if a CTOR call with arguments was made an no CTOR can be found matching the signature of the call.