
cmakepp_lang/object/get_symbol._cpp_object_get_symbol(this result sig)

Encapsulates the process of looking up the symbol for a given signature.

This function will search the current instance, as well as all of its base class instances looking for a member function which can be called with the provided signature. If a suitable overload exists this function will return the corresponding symbol. Otherwise it will return FALSE.

  • this (obj) – The Object instance whose member functions are being considered.

  • result (desc) – Name for the variable which will hold the result.

  • sig (list*) – A list whose first element is the name of the function and whose remaining elements are the types of each positional argument.


result will be set to the symbol of the member function matching the provided signature (if a suitable match exists) or FALSE if there is no suitable overload.

Return type:



CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE (bool) – Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.

Error Checking

If CMakePP is run in debug mode (and only if CMakePP is run in debug mode) this function will assert that it is called with exactly three arguments and that these three arguments have the correct types. If any of these assertions fail an error will be raised.