
cmakepp_lang/types/bool.cpp_is_bool(return str2check)

Determines if the provided string can lexically be cast to a boolean.

This function will compare the provided string against the list of boolean literals known to CMakePP. The actual string comparison is done in a case-insensitive manner.

  • return (desc) – Name of the variable used to hold the return.

  • str2check (str) – The string we are checking for its bool-ness


return will contain TRUE if str2check is one of the recognized boolean literals and FALSE otherwise.

Return type:



CMAKEPP_BOOL_LITERALS – Used to get the list of boolean literals.

Example Usage

The following code snippet shows how to use cpp_is_bool to determine if the provided variable is a boolean.

set(var2check TRUE)
cpp_is_bool(result "${var2check}")
message("var2check is a bool: ${result}")  # will print TRUE

Error Checking

cpp_is_bool will ensure that it has been called with exactly two arguments.