
cmakepp_lang/types/list.cpp_is_list(result str2check)

Determines if a string is lexically convertible to a CMake list.

CMake lists are strings that contain semicolons. While CMake’s list command will treat a string without a semicolon as a list with one element, for the purposes of determining if a string is a list we require that the list has at least two elements (i.e., there must be a semicolon in it). This function determines if the provided string meets this definition of a list.

  • result (desc) – Used as the name of the returned identifier.

  • str2check (str) – The string whose listy-ness is being questioned.


result will be set to TRUE if str2check is a list and FALSE otherwise.

Return type:


Example Usage

The following snippet shows how to determine if a variable contains a list.

set(a_list 1 2 3)
cpp_is_list(result "${a_list}")
message("Is a list: ${result}")  # Will print TRUE

Error Checking

cpp_is_list will assert that the caller has provided exactly two arguments. If the caller has provided a different number of arguments than an error will be raised.