
cmakepp_lang/utilities/check_conflicting_types.cpp_check_conflicting_types(conflict conflicting_type name)

Checks if the given name conflicts with any built-in CMakePPLang types.

  • conflict (bool*) – Return value for whether a conflict exists.

  • conflicting_type (desc*) – Return value for the type that the name conflicts with.

  • name (desc) – Name to check for conflicts with.


Whether there was a conflict (TRUE) or not (FALSE) and the conflicting type, or an empty string (“”) if no conflicts occured.

Return type:

(bool, desc)


CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE (bool) – Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.

Error Checking

If CMakePP is run in debug mode (and only if it is run in debug mode) this function will assert that it was called with all three arguments and that the arguments have the correct types.