Defines functions for packing and unpacking a CMake list into a string that can be passed through function calls.
- cmakepp_lang/utilities/pack_list.cpp_pack_list(result list **kwargs)
Transforms a CMake list into a string that can be passed down through function calls and then transformed back to the original CMake list that retains the original nesting structure of the list.
This function will take a CMake list and replace list separator characters at various levels of nesting with “_CPP_{N}_CPP_” where N is the level of nesting. N will be 0 for the top level list, 1 for the next level down, and so on.
For example, take a list declared with the command: set(my_list a;b\;c\\;cc\;bb;aa)
my_list serializes to the (much more easily read) form: [ “a”, [ “b”, [ “c”, “cc” ], “bb” ], “aa” ]
my_list will be transformed to the packed list string: a_CPP_0_CPP_b_CPP_1_CPP_c_CPP_2_CPP_cc_CPP_1_CPP_bb_CPP_0_CPP_aa
- Parameters:
result (list) – The name for the variable which will hold the result.
list – The list we want to pack into a string.
- Returns:
will be set to the resulting packed list string.- Return type:
- Variables:
CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE (bool) – Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.
Error Checking
If CMakePP is run in debug mode
will assert that it has been called with two arguments and that those arguments are of the correct types.
- cmakepp_lang/utilities/pack_list.cpp_unpack_list(result packed_list **kwargs)
- Transforms a string generated from a list being passed to cpp_pack_list
back into the original CMake list, retaining the nesting structure.
This function will take a packed list string and replace the “_CPP_{N}_CPP_” list separator placeholders with actual CMake list seperators with the the appropriate number of escape characters with respect to the nesting level of the list separator placeholders (N).
For example take a packed list string: a_CPP_0_CPP_b_CPP_1_CPP_c_CPP_2_CPP_cc_CPP_1_CPP_bb_CPP_0_CPP_aa
This string will be transformed into a list that serializes to: [ “a”, [ “b”, [ “c”, “cc” ], “bb” ], “aa” ]
- Parameters:
result (desc) – The name for the variable which will hold the result.
packed_list (desc) – The string we want to transform to a CMake list.
- Returns:
will be set to the resulting CMake list.- Return type:
Error Checking
If CMakePP is run in debug mode
will assert that it has been called with two arguments and that those arguments are of the correct types.- var CMAKEPP_LANG_DEBUG_MODE:
Used to determine if CMakePP is being run in debug mode or not.