
CMakePPLang enables users to define classes and create instances of the classes. Classes in CMakePPLang can contain attributes and functions. CMakePPLang also supports inheritance. Examples of using classes are provided in Using Classes. A basic overview of the features of classes are provided below.

Class Definition

Class definitions start with cpp_class(MyClass) where MyClass is what you want to name the class. CMakePPLang handles the class name, MyClass case-insensitively, so myclass and MYCLASS will also refer to the same class created through cpp_class(MyClass). Class definitions are ended with cpp_end_class(). The following is an example of an empty class definition:

# Begin class definition of class MyClass

    # Class attribute and functions go here

# End class definition

Optionally, users can provide the name of the class being defined to the cpp_end_class function as well:

# Begin class definition of class MyClass

    # Class attribute and functions go here

# End class definition

Constructors and Instantiation

Classes can be instantiated in a variety of ways.

Default Constructor

Once a class is declared, an instance of that class can be created by using the default constructor for the class. No constructor definition is required. All attributes of the class will simply take their default value. An instance of a class MyClass with the variable name my_instance can be created using the default constructor for the class with the following:

# Create an instance of MyClass with the name "my_instance"
MyClass(CTOR my_instance)

Custom Constructor

Users can define custom constructors to do the initial setup of their class upon construction. Below is an example of a class with a custom constructor and instantiation of that class:


    # Define a custom constructor
    cpp_constructor(CTOR MyClass int int)
    function("${CTOR}" self a b)
        # Do set up using arguments passed to constructors


# Create an instance of MyClass using the custom constructor
MyClass(CTOR my_instance 100 20)

Multiple constructors can be defined for a class as long as they have different signatures. The CMakePP language will automatically find the implementation whose signature matches the parameters passed in and execute it.

KWARGS Constructor

Another way to instantiate a class is using the KWARGS constructor. This constructor allows users to pass in attribute values that will be automatically assigned for the newly constructed instance. Say we have the following class with some attributes:

# Define class with some attributes

    cpp_attr(MyClass attr_a)
    cpp_attr(MyClass attr_b)
    cpp_attr(MyClass attr_c)


Then we can use the KWARGS constructor to set the values of those attributes upon construction using the following:

# Create an instance of MyClass using the KWARGS constructor
MyClass(CTOR my_instance KWARGS attr_a 1 attr_b 2 3 4 attr_c 5 6)

Here the attr_a would take the value of 1, attr_b would take the value of 2;3;4, and attr_c would take the value of 5;6.


CMakePP classes can contain attributes. These attributes take default values that are declared when the class is defined. An instance of a class can have its attributes retrieved and modified from within the class or from without the class.

Typing of Attributes

Attributes of CMakePP classes of a class are loosely typed. No type is declared when declaring an attribute, and attributes can be assigned a value of any type, regardless of the type of their initial value.

Declaring Attributes

Attributes are added to class using the cpp_attr(MyClass my_attr my_value) statement where MyClass is the name of the class, my_attr is the name of the attribute, and my_value is the initial value of the attribute. The following is an example of a class with two attributes:


    # Declare an attribute "color" with the default value "red"
    cpp_attr(MyClass color red)

    # Declare an attribute "size" with the default value "10"
    cpp_attr(MyClass size 10)


Getting and Setting Attributes

The attributes of a class are accessed by using the GET and SET keywords.The value of an attribute is set using:

# Set the value of "my_attr" to "my_value"
MyClass(SET "${my_instance}" my_attr my_value)

Here my_instance is the name of the instance whose attribute you want to set, my_attr is where the name of the attribute you want to set, and my_value is the value you want to set the attribute to.

Attributes can be retrieved in one of two ways. The first way is to retrieve attributes one at a time. That can be done using the following call to GET:

# Retrieve the value of "my_attr" and store it in "my_result"
MyClass(GET "${my_instance}" my_result my_attr)

Here my_instance is the name of the instance whose attribute you want to access, my_result is where the value will be stored, and my_attr is the name of the attribute being accessed.

Another way to get multiple attributes is to get multiple at a time and have them returned using a prefix. This is done with a call like the following

# Get attrs and store them at _pre_attr_a, _pre_attr_b, and _pre_attr_c
MyClass(GET "${my_instance}" _pre attr_a attr_b attr_c)

Here my_instance is the name of the instance whose attributes you want to access, _pre is prefix that will be prepended to each attributes name to create the variable name where the attributes will be stored in the current scope, and attr_a, attr_b, and attr_c are the name of the attributes being accessed.

Member Functions

CMakePP classes can contain member functions. These functions are similar to regular CMake functions. The main differences being that they:

  • belong to a CMakePP class and can only be called using an instance of that class

  • have a signature that defines the types of the parameters that the function expects

  • can be overloaded with multiple implementations for different signatures

Defining Member Functions

Member functions are declared in the same way as normal CMake functions with the addition of the cpp_member decorator to declare the signature of the function (the name of the function and the types of the arguments it takes). Member function definitions are structured in the following way:


    cpp_member(my_fxn MyClass type_a type_b)
    function("${my_fxn}" self param_a param_b)

        # The body of the function

        # ${self} can be used to access the instance of MyClass
        # the function is being called with

        # ${param_a} and ${param_b} can be used to access the
        # values of the parameters passed into the function



The structure of the above function definition contains the following pieces:

  1. cpp_member(my_fxn MyClass type_a type_b)– The CMakePP class member declaration. This decorator defines a function named my_fxn for the class MyClass. It also indicates the number and type of parameters that the function takes in. In this case there are two parameters of the types type_a and type_b.

  2. function("${my_fxn}" self param_a param_b)– A CMake function declaration the defines a function with the name ${my_fxn}, sets self as the variable name used to reference the class instance the function was called with, and param_a and param_b as the variables name used to access the parameters passed into the function. These parameters correspond to the types in the cpp_member decorator.

  3. The function body.

  4. endfunction()– The end of the CMake function definition.


The reason that the function command gets the dereferenced value of my_fxn here is because the cpp_member decorator sets the value of my_fxn to a name / symbol that the CMakePP language uses to find the actual CMake function when a call is made to the member function my_fxn through a CMakePP class.

This may be a bit confusing. All you need to remember is that the cpp_member decorator gets the string name of the member function you want to declare and the function statement that follows it gets the dereferenced value of that name ("${my_fxn}" in this case).

Calling Member Functions

The function my_fxn belonging to a class MyClass as defined above can be called using:

MyClass(my_fxn "${my_instance}" "value_a" "value_b")

Here my_instance is the name of an instance of MyClass and "value_a" and "value_b" are the parameter values being passed to the function.

Function Overloading

The CMakePP language allows for function overloading. This means users can define more than one implementation to a function. Each implementation simply needs to have a unique signature.

For example, we could declare a function what_was_passed_in with two implementations: one that takes a single int and one that takes two ints. This can be done in the following way:


  # Define first implementation
  cpp_member(what_was_passed_in MyClass int)
  function("${what_was_passed_in}" self x)
      message("${x} was passed in.")

  # Define second implementation
  cpp_member(what_was_passed_in MyClass int int)
  function("${what_was_passed_in}" self x y)
      message("${x} and ${y} were passed in.")


Function Overload Resolution

When calling a function that has multiple implementations, you simply need to call the function with with argument(s) that match the signature of the implementation you are trying to invoke. CMakePP will automatically find the implementation whose signature matches the parameters passed in and execute it (a process called function overload resolution). For example, we could call the above implementations in the following way:

# Create instance of MyClass
MyClass(CTOR my_instance)

# Call first implementation
MyClass(what_was_passed_in "${my_instance}" 1)

# Outputs: 1 was passed in.

# Call second implementation
MyClass(what_was_passed_in "${my_instance}" 2 3)

# Outputs: 2 and 3 were passed in.


If no function with a signature that matches the given parameters can be found, the CMakePP language will throw an error indicating this.


CMakePP classes support inheritance. A class can inherit from one or more parent classes. Classes that inherit from another class are referred to as derived classes.

Attribute Inheritance

A class that inherits from a parent class inherits all of the parent class’s attributes as well as the default values of those attributes. The default values can be overridden by declaring an attribute of the same name in the derived class with a new default value.

Function Inheritance

A class that inherits from a parent class inherits all of the functions defined in that parent class. The inherited functions can be overridden with a new implementation in the derived class by adding a function definition with a signature that matches the signature of the function in the parent class.

Creating a Derived Class

To create a derived class, we need a parent class that our derived class will inherit from. We will use the following parent class:


    # Declare some attributes with default values
    cpp_attr(ParentClass color red)
    cpp_attr(ParentClass size 10)

    # Declare a function taking some parameters
    cpp_member(my_fxn ParentClass desc desc)
    function("${my_fxn}" self param_a param_b)
        # Function body

    # Declare a function taking no parameters
    cpp_member(another_fxn ParentClass)
    function("${another_fxn}" self)
        # Function body


To create a class called ChildClass that derives from ParentClass we just need to pass ParentClass as a parameter into the cpp_class statement we use to declare ChildClass. This looks like:

cpp_class(ChildClass ParentClass)

    # Derived class definition


We can define ChildClass that:

  • Keeps the inherited default value for the attribute size

  • Keeps the inherited implementation for the function another_fxn

  • Overrides the color attribute

  • Overrides the member function my_fxn

  • Declares a new attribute name

  • Declares and a new member function new_fxn

This can be done with the following:

cpp_class(ChildClass ParentClass)

    # Override the default value "color" attribute
    cpp_attr(ChildClass color blue)

    # Add a new attribute "name" belonging to ChildClass
    cpp_attr(ChildClass name "My Name")

    # Override the "my_fxn" function
    cpp_member(my_fxn ChildClass desc desc)
    function("${my_fxn}" self param_a param_b)
        # Function body with different implementation

    # Add a new function "new_fxn" belonging to ChildClass
    cpp_member(new_fxn ChildClass)
    function("${new_fxn}" self)
        # Function body


Using a Derived Class

We can create an instance of our derived class using the following:

# Create an instance of ChildClass
ChildClass(CTOR child_instance)

The inherited attributes and functions of the parent class can be accessed through the derived class as well as the parent class:

# Access an inherited attribute through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result size)
ParentClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result size)

# Access an inherited function through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(another_fxn "${child_instance}")
ParentClass(another_fxn "${child_instance}")

The overidden attributes and functions in the derived class can be through the derived class as well as well as the parent class:

# Access an overridden attribute through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result color)
ParentClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result color)

# Access an overridden function through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(my_fxn "${child_instance}" "value_a" "value_b")
ParentClass(my_fxn "${child_instance}" "value_a" "value_b")

The newly declared attributes and functions in the derived class that are not present in the parent class can be accessed through the derived class as well as the parent class:

# Access a newly declared attribute that is present in ChildClass and not
# ParentClass through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result name)
ParentClass(GET "${child_instance}" my_result name)

# Access a newly declared function that is present in ChildClass and not
# ParentClass through the derived class and parent class
ChildClass(new_fxn "${child_instance}")
ParentClass(new_fxn "${child_instance}")

Multiple Class Inheritance

A class can inherit from multiple classes. If the parent classes both have attributes or functions that have the same name, the CMakePP language will resolve in the following way:

  1. CMakePP will check for the attribute or function in the first parent class passed into the cpp_class macro where the subclass is defined.

  2. If the attribute / function is found there it will use that attribute / function.

  3. If the attribute / function is not found, it will search in the next parent class that was passed into the cpp_class macro.

  4. CMakePP will continue searching subsequent parent classes until the attribute / function is found or it runs out of parent classes to search (upon which an error will be thrown).

For example, if a derived class called ChildClass is defined using:

cpp_class(ChildClass ParentClass1 ParentClass2)

Then CMakePP will search for attributes / functions in ParentClass1 first and then ParentClass2.

Pure Virtual Member Functions

The CMakePP language allows users to define pure virtual member functions. These are virtual functions with no implementation that can be overridden with an implementation in a derived class. We can create ParentClass with a virtual member function my_virtual_fxn with the following:


    # Add a virtual member function to be overridden by derived classes
    cpp_member(my_virtual_fxn ParentClass)


Now we can create a class that derives from ParentClass and overrides my_virtual_fxn called ChildClass:

cpp_class(ChildClass ParentClass)

    # Override the virtual fxn
    cpp_member(my_virtual_fxn ChildClass)
    function("${my_virtual_fxn}" self)
        message("I am an instance of ChildClass")


The overridden implementation can be called with an instance of ChildClass:

ChildClass(CTOR child_instance)
ChildClass(my_virtual_fxn "${child_instance}")

# Output: I am an instance of ChildClass

or using ParentClass with a ChildClass instance:

ParentClass(my_virtual_fxn "${child_instance}")

# Output: I am an instance of ChildClass


If a call is made to the my_virtual_fxn function for an instance of ParentClass, CMakePP will throw an error indicating that this function is virtual and must be overridden in a derived class.