
CMakePPLang provides the following utility commands:

  • cpp_equal for checking for equality between two variables

  • cpp_serialize for serializing a variable into a JSON string

  • cpp_copy for creating a copy of a variable

  • cpp_contains for checking if a string contains a certain substring, a list contains a certain item, or a map contains a certain key

  • cpp_type_of for determining the type of a variable

  • cpp_check_conflicting_types for checking if a string conflicts with a built-in type

  • cpp_return for returning values from a function

  • cpp_assert for asserting that a condition is true and stopping the build process if that condition is not true

  • cpp_directory_exists for checking that a directory at a given path exists and is directory, not a file

  • cpp_file_exists for checking that a file at a given path exists and is in fact a file and not a directory

  • cpp_set_global for setting the value of a global variable

  • cpp_get_global for getting the value of a global variable

  • cpp_append_global for appending a value to a global variable

  • cpp_unique_id for creating a unique identifier

Examples of using these functions can be found Using Utilities.