Documenting CMinx

This page contains notes for developers on how to update the CMinx documentation.

Adding a Feature

The main features of CMinx are showcased in the docs/source/documenting folder. When a new feature is added to this folder along with an example. Code for the examples should live in the tests/test_samples/ directory in an appropriately named file. You should also run CMinx on the sample file and put the generated .rst file in tests/test_samples/corr_rst/.

The contents of the cmake file are then included in the documentation .rst file like:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/test_samples/your_example.cmake
   :language: cmake

and you can include the generated reST like:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../tests/test_samples/corr_rst/your_example.rst
   :language: rst

Following this process ensures that your example gets unit tested, and that the documentation stays up to date.