Designing CMaize’s Find or Build Dependency Function

This page describes the process of designing the find_or_build_dependency function.

What is CMaize’s Find or Build Dependency Function?

The find_or_build_dependency function is the user-facing function CMaize provides to help developers manage their project’s dependencies. Under the hood the find_or_build_dependency function is responsible for mapping the user’s dependency needs to a target (a build target if the build system will build it and an install target if it already exists). This mapping is done via the package manager component (see Designing CMaize’s PackageManager Component).

Why Do We Need a Find or Build Dependency Function?

The need for the find_or_build_dependency function arose in the discussions of the overall user API (see Overview of CMaize’s User API Design). In particular, CMaize is designed to rely on existing packaging managers. The find_or_build_dependency API abstracts away the details of how those package managers work so that CMaize consumers can simply specify the dependency details.

Find or Build Dependency Function Considerations

CMake based

As user-facing functionality, the find_or_build_dependency function should have an interface which is consistent with traditional CMake. In particular this means the input should be strings and the result should be the name of a traditional CMake target.

wrap package managers

As stated above, one of the primary reasons for this function is to abstract away the details of how CMaize interacts with the underlying package managers.

  • As a corollary, this also means that find_or_build__dependency must be able to accept whatever input is needed for the various package manager backends.

CMake target

The user of the find_or_build_dependency function will provide a name for the dependency. That name will be tied to that particular invocation of find_or_build_dependency and will represent that specific package specification. This is explicitly done by creating a traditional CMake target under the provided name.

  • As a corollary, if the user wants to have multiple specifications of a package, then there must be be multiple calls to find_or_build_dependency, each call must provide a unique name.

  • The user should continue to refer to this package specification via the provided name, e.g., when using it as a dependency for another find_or_build_dependency call or when specifying the project’s assets (e.g., cmaize_add_library)

Find or Build Dependency Function Design


Fig. 3 Overview of the control flow in the find_or_build_dependency function.

The control flow of find_or_build_dependency is diagramed in Fig. 3. In addressing the CMake based consideration the inputs to the find_or_build_dependency function are the name of the dependency and any inputs needed to specify the dependency (e.g., version or URL) and any necessary build options. Internally, find_or_build_dependency then:

  1. Converts the dependency’s information into a PackageSpecification object.

  2. Obtains the active CMaizeProject object.

  3. Gets the active PackageManager from the CMaizeProject object.

  4. Determines if the PackageManager object has a dependency matching the PackageSpecification object.

  5. If yes, then the PackageManager retrieves the already installed dependency which is returned as a InstalledTarget object.

  6. If no, then the PackageManager creates a BuildTarget object which will be built during the build phase.

  7. Finally the target is registered to the active CMaizeProject object.

In turn, find_or_build_dependency thus works like a driver managing the interactions of the CMaizeProject object with the PackageManager objects. The reliance on a PackageManager object addresses the wrap package managers consideration.

API Design

The API of the find_or_build_dependency function must be capable of accepting whatever input a PackageSpecification object may need. This is because the PackageManager will ultimately work with the PackageSpecification. To that end, the API will accept a number of kwargs which will be forwarded to the PackageSpecification and the basic API will be:

cmaize_find_or_build_dependency(name_of_dependency <kwargs>)

Here name_of_dependency will be the base name assigned to the CMake target, as required by the CMake target consideration. N.B., “CMake target” in this context refers to a traditional CMake target, NOT a CMaize object. Users should continue to refer to the dependency as name_of_dependency in all future CMaize calls, e.g.:

cmaize_find_or_build_dependency(foo <kwargs>)
cmaize_find_or_build_dependency(bar DEPENDS foo <other_kwargs>)


CMake based

The find_or_build_dependency function relies on traditional CMake inputs and ultimately produces a native CMake target which is used by dependees.

wrap package managers

The body of the find_or_build_dependency function relies on PackageManager instances to actually find and/or build the various dependencies.

CMake target

The BuildTarget and InstalledTarget classes are responsible for ensuring that a traditional CMake target is created under the name the user provides to the find_or_build_dependency function.